Ammonoosuc Chapter Trout Unlimited
April 2024 -- Upcoming Events
Ammo TU Members and Friends,
It has been a wet month of March with plenty of snow falling on the White mountains. Spring has arrived, with more snow on the way in early April. It looks like a good start to the trout fishing season in 2024. Trout fishing on NH ponds will begin for the season the fourth Saturday in April, Ice will likely be out by then on most ponds. NH trout rivers and streams are open now with good water levels for fishing on most rivers and streams.
The month of May will be a busy month for our chapter with events scheduled throughout May. We have two events scheduled for May 11, the Littleton Community Clean-up Day(Formerly the Ammonoosuc River Clean-up Day) and the Child's brook restoration plating in Bath, NH. The Ammonoosuc Chapter Annual Meeting is on Tuesday, May 14 and the Twin Mountain Youth Fishing Derby in Carroll, NH on May 26. Hopefully you can join us for one of the up coming events in May.
Upcoming Spring Events
Trout Unlimited Northeast regional rendezvous 2024 in partnership with the Battenkill Fly-fishing festival. The festival will run from Fri. May 3 at 7:00 am (EDT) – Sun. May 5 at 10:00 pm (EDT). The rendezvous location will be the Arlington Common, Arlington, VT.
TU Northeast Regional Rendezvous Registration
Littleton Community Clean-up Day
Saturday May 11, 9:00 am - Noon
The annual Amoonoosuc River Cleanup Day is staying in Littleton again this year and is now known as the Littleton Community Clean-Up Day. This year the event is in partnership with Friends of Remich Park and Littleton Parks & Recreation and honors the community commitment of the late Tony Ilacqua Sr. Clean-Up Day will take place on Saturday May 11th, 9am – Noon based at Remich Park in Littleton. Participants will have an opportunity to assist with various hands-on projects around town or have the option to form a neighborhood clean-up team. The event will wrap up with a BBQ at Remich Park at Noon. More information and registration will be available soon on Eventbrite or the Friends of Remich Park website: https://www.friendsofremichpark.org/
Child’s Brook Embrace-A-Stream Project
Saturday May 11, 2024 meeting at 8:30 am
The Child’s brook Embrace-A-Stream project planned for last fall was postponed until spring due to delays in 2023 from the heavy rains and high water levels. It will be a good opportunity for Ammo TU members to join us on a riparian planting project. We will have approximately 100 native shrubs to plant for this culvert replacement project on Child's brook in Bath, NH. This will require 10-12 people to complete the planting in a single day. Planting the culvert replacement restoration area with native shrubs in May will give the plants time to develop some root growth before the driest part of summer in July and August. The planting will begin on May 11 at 8:30 am. The closest street address to the Childs Brook crossing would be the Minot Farm address (383 W Bath Rd, Bath, NH 03740), but we would likely want volunteers to meet/park closer to the crossing. GPS coordinates for the crossing are 44.174000, -71.988742.
Ammonoosuc Chapter Trout Unlimited
2024 Annual Meeting
May 14 at 6:00 pm
The notice for the Ammonoosuc Chapter #554 Annual Meeting will be sent to our members later this month via email. The Annual meeting will be held at Schilling Brewery on Tuesday May 14 at 6:00 pm. There will be Pizza and Hor d'ouevres provided by the chapter, drinks will need to be purchased. Dianne Timmins will give a presentation on the hatchery modernization plan for New Hampshire's fish hatcheries with construction planned in 2024/2025 at some of the hatcheries.
The Twin Mountain Youth Fishing Derby
May 25 7:30am
We are working with the Town of Carroll again this year on the Twin Mountain youth fishing derby. The fishing derby will be held on Saturday May 25th from 7:30 am - 11:00 am this year. More to come on the youth derby in the May newsletter...
Roland Payne, President
Ammonoosuc Chapter #554
Trout Unlimited
Littleton Community Center
120 Main Street
Littleton, NH